Composting Made Easy
Weekly Pick-Up and Drop-Off Services
How it Works

Get Your Compost Bucket
Getting started is easy. Simply sign up, and we’ll deliver your bucket and welcome kit to your doorstep within a week.

Fill Your Bucket to the Brim
Whether you’re sharing your bucket with a neighbor or your family fills it to the brim weekly, don’t be shy with your compost heaps!

Rinse & Repeat
If you are in central Reno, our Rot Riders empty and clean your bucket once a week. In another neighborhood? You can use one of our drop-off points!

Compost Comes Back To You
Members have the option to receive up to 40 gallons of finished compost each year for their indoor and outdoor gardening needs.
How it Works

Signing up is Easy
For weekly collection, we’ll deliver your bucket and welcome kit to your doorstep within a week. For our Drop-off option, BYOB (Bring Your Own Bucket).

Fill Your Bucket to the Brim
Whether you’re sharing your bucket with a neighbor, or your family fills it to the brim weekly, don’t be shy with your compost heaps!

Rinse & Repeat
If you are in central or south Reno, our Rot Riders empty and clean your bucket once a week. In another neighborhood? You can use one of our drop-off points!

Compost Comes Back To You
Members have the option to receive up to 40 gallons of finished compost each year for their indoor and outdoor gardening needs.
Our Services
Weekly Pick-Up
Weekly curbside pick-up
Finished compost returned twice per year
Serving (most of) Reno and Sparks
Monthly Subscription: $28/month